On Sunday 23rd September TKF attended EKKA Open Championships in Ipswich on Sunday.
The squad did really well collecting medals in kata, pairs kata, and kumite including one gold medal, one silver medals and five bronze medals. Douglas Middleton performed a new kata brilliantly to gain the judges vote to win gold in his category. TJ Greene gained TKFs first bronze medal of the day with a solid couple of black belt katas to earn his place in the semi -final. Unfortunately, just missing out on the final he settled for the bronze. Later, TJ Greene and Dylan Harvey performed a brilliant Bassai Dai in order to win silver medal at the Pairs Kata event. This was the first time they had competed together, so it was a great result for both of them. In one of the final kata events of the day, Katie Middleton gained a bronze medal after three tough rounds of kata. Katie performed three different black belt katas and earned her place in the semi-final, losing to the eventual winner to claim her first bronze medal of the day.
TJ and Katie both continued their great performances in their respective kumite events, with TJ winning his third medal of the day, a well-earned bronze. It was Katie’s first time competing in kumite and she came up against some experienced fighters eventually came away with a bronze medal. Martyna Marjeska added the final bronze medal of the day in her kumite event. Martyna came up against the eventual winner in the semi-final.
Special mentions go to the rest of the B Squad who competed and performed brilliantly at the EKKA Competition in their respective events. Robyn Bithell, Oliver Curtis, Edward Cushing, TJ Greene, Ruby Mills, Dylan Harvey, Fabian Velea, Thomas Velea, Katie Middleton, Douglas Middleton, Douglas Bish, Martyna Marjeska and Aaron Dakkers.
A big well done to everyone who competed and now to focus on the JKS National Championships.